Trail Conditions

Trail Conditions

Illustration of a green fern plant with wavy leaves

Hit the trails!

We suggest all trail users get out there today! Please respect the trails and follow proper trail etiquette but most of all have FUN!

Be Cautious!

As the temps continue to fluctuate except to find ever changing conditions, from deep slush to very slippery ice. Use your best judgement and avoid muddy areas with tires and boots.

Rest Day!

Weather or other issues have heavily impacted the trails and we ask you to proceed with extreme caution or steer clear of the trails until they recover.

Current Groomed Route

Last Updated: 01/21/2025


Illustration of three white flowers with yellow centers and green leaves.

Real Time Map

The Glacial Hills Trails ArcGIS map allows you to enable your location in real time!

Overview Map

This is the Glacial Hills general overview map that you’ll also see at the trailheads.

Trailforks Map

Find Glacial Hills Trails on the Trailforks app or website.

Illustration of green grass blades on a white background

At Glacial Hills we have over 10 suggested trail routes that will keep you coming back for more. Suitable for all skill levels and distances whether it be on foot or via pedal power.

Pine Tree is the flattest trail that meanders through a pine forest. It is accessible from the Eckhardt Trailhead. Pine Tree is known as the Novice Trail, and is a great introduction for bikers and hikers.

Pine Tree

1.5 miles

Rolling Hills is entered from the Vandermark Trailhead. Rolling Hills serves users who want all the hilly fun but without long climbs and fast declines encountered elsewhere.

Rolling Hills

5.2 miles

Outer Loop is accessible from any Trailhead and provides a pathway to all that Glacial Hills has to offer. Outer Loop circumnavigates the outer boundary of the Pathways.

Outer Loop

20.3 miles

Trail Etiquette

Our goal is for all trail users to enjoy Glacial Hills Trails safely. Please follow standard trail etiquette and yield to those with the right-of-way.

Dog are permitted at Glacial Hills but must be kept on leash at all times, those with dogs off-leash may be subject to a fine.

Motorized vehicles and horses are not permitted at Glacial Hills.

Trail yield triangle sign showing priority: bikers yield to hikers, hikers yield to joggers, joggers yield to bikers.
Prohibition signs: no motorcycles, no horses allowed.

Make an
impact today

Donations to Glacial Hills Trails go directly to the betterment of the trails, trailheads, restrooms, maintenance tools, parking, signage, and more. Every dollar counts towards creating an amazing outdoor experience for all.

Illustration of a green fern plant with wavy leaves.

Trail Trouble?

Fallen tree with green grass around it

Report a trail issue such as downed trees, overgrowth or washout.

Our volunteers will get remedy the issue as soon as possible.

Search + Rescue Manual

With great input from our volunteers and local emergency services we have created a search and rescue manual for Glacial Hills Trails to support safe trail use and educate trail users.